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(PHP 4)

mcal_fetch_event — Fetches an event from the calendar stream


object mcal_fetch_event ( int $mcal_stream , int $event_id [, int $options ] )

mcal_fetch_event() fetches an event from the calendar stream specified by id .

Returns an event object consisting of:

  • int id - ID of that event.
  • int public - TRUE if the event if public, FALSE if it is private.
  • string category - Category string of the event.
  • string title - Title string of the event.
  • string description - Description string of the event.
  • int alarm - number of minutes before the event to send an alarm/reminder.
  • object start - Object containing a datetime entry.
  • object end - Object containing a datetime entry.
  • int recur_type - recurrence type
  • int recur_interval - recurrence interval
  • datetime recur_enddate - recurrence end date
  • int recur_data - recurrence data
All datetime entries consist of an object that contains:
  • int year - year
  • int month - month
  • int mday - day of month
  • int hour - hour
  • int min - minutes
  • int sec - seconds
  • int alarm - minutes before event to send an alarm
The possible values for recur_type are:
  • 0 - Indicates that this event does not recur
  • 1 - This event recurs daily
  • 2 - This event recurs on a weekly basis
  • 3 - This event recurs monthly on a specific day of the month (e.g. the 10th of the month)
  • 4 - This event recurs monthly on a sequenced day of the week (e.g. the 3rd Saturday)
  • 5 - This event recurs on an annual basis

出售域名  LinuxTags