�������� ����Linux
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A pro-Linux/tech news and comment/discussion site
All about Linux
32Bits Online: because there's more than one way
to compute
New about new versions of computer related stuff
@end itemize
Jgaa's Internet - Official Support
Ionline - online publication: MySQL ,
PHP, Java, Web programming, DB development
BaBoo(Browse and bookmark). Free web-based bookmark
manager and Calendar
Course Schedule System at
Pensacola Junior College
Florida Community College at Jacksonville
32bit.com; An extensive shareware / freeware archive
Jokes 2000
Burken.NU Burken is a webhotel that provides
scripts, among other things, for remote users, like counters, guestbooks etc.
tips.pair.com Contains tips on html, javascript,
2d/3d graphics and PHP3/MySQL. All pages are generated from a database.
Send any additions to this list to [email protected] .
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